My horse is on a mostly hay diet over the winter, what else should I consider?

A forage first diet for ponies and horses during the winter is common and correct.

  • Supplying plenty of forage is important for physical health, mental health, wellbeing and nutrition
  • Your horse's digestive system has evolved to consume a high fibre diet
  • Forage is critical to maintaining healthy gut motility (the movement of food through the digestive tract)
  • A lack of forage can lead to colic, digestive upset, or conditions like gastric ulcers
  • Providing forage also reduces boredom and stressy or anxious behaviour

There are a few other factors to consider to ensure your horse remains healthy and well-nourished during the winter months.

  • Hay DOES NOT retain it's full nutritional value through drying process
  • Supply vitamin and minerals to balance the forage provision in a high quality feed balancer, or balanced diet
  • Correct nutrition effects your horse's immune system, hoof health, coat condition, digestion, and energy levels

Come back again soon for our upcoming videos on:

  • Hay quality
  • Hay quantity
  • Digestive health
  • Individual needs
  • Supplementing with vitamins and minerals
  • Importance of Omega 3 and 6
  • Hydration
  • Weight monitoring and energy provision
  • Dentition
@bluechipfeed Winter feeding tip - part 1 ❄️ If your horse is on a mainly hay diet, they might be missing key vitamins & minerals! Adding a balancer ensures they get everything they need to stay healthy this winter. 🌿🥕 #Winterfeedingtips #fedonbluechip #bluechipfeed #feedbalancers #horsenutrition #horsefeed #horsefeedingroutine #horsetips #HappyHorses #fyp #ponies #horsewinter ♬ original sound - bluechipfeed
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