Should I feed a balancer all year round?

We bust some myths and answer some commonly raised questions.


“I don’t need to feed a balancer in the summer as it will make my pony/horse fat” FALSE

You should continue to feed a balancer all year round to maintain the long term health of you pony/horse. ALL Blue Chip balancers are low in calories and molasses free, containing extremely low levels of starch with no added sugar.

You feed a balancer to provide all the daily vitamins and minerals your pony/horse needs without the worry of additional weight gain.  Some balancers (such as our Low Calorie feed balancer), can actively help promote safe weight loss.

Diet balancers and those aimed at good doers, such as Lami Light and our Super Concentrated range, are especially beneficial as part of a calorie-controlled diet.  These balancers support overall health with individual formulations to target specific potential issues.

Lami Light and Low Calorie actively help to promote safe weight loss.

For those on a calorie-controlled diet we can calculate EXACTLY how many grams of sugar and starch you would be feeding per day. Contact us today and we can help. This is a preferred approach than looking solely at percentages, which can be misleading due to varying daily feeding rates.

“I’ll just feed a vitamin and mineral supplement in the summer” NOT ALWAYS THE BEST OPTION

Feed balancers go one better than a broad-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement as they contain quality digestible protein which supplies essential amino acids, the building blocks of all body tissues. Amino acids are extremely important to include in the daily diet as they are invaluable for the needs of a laminitis prone pony/horse by supporting the structure of body tissues including the laminae.

“I don’t need to feed a balancer because we have good grass and my pony/horse doesn’t need anything other than calories” GRASS OFTEN DOES NOT SUPPORT A BALANCED DIET, ESPECIALLY IF GRAZING IS RESTRICTED

Don’t make the mistake of solely relying on calories to maintain the well-being of your pony/horse. Grass is likely to provide most of the calories your horse will need during the grazing season, but the mineral content of grass can fluctuate.

Feeding balanced levels of vitamins, minerals and supporting ingredients such as anti-oxidants and protein keeps your pony/horse healthy in the long term. Over time, deficiencies in minerals could have a negative effect on your ponies/horse’s health.

"I'll just remove feed to reduce the chance of Laminitis" BALANCERS PROVIDE VITAL SUPPORTING INGREDIENTS

It is now recognised that up to 90% of laminitis cases are caused by an underlying hormonal disease such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and/or Cushing’s Disease (PPID)

Low calorie/soaked hay and fibre intake should always form the base of your ponies/horse's diet, feeding a balancer alongside this helps to provide everything your pony/horse needs daily without unwanted levels of starch or sugar content.

Lami Light feed balancer offers key benefits for those prone to Lamintis.

  • Helps to prevent inflammation and promote circulation in the hoof
  • Perfect diet for those prone to laminitis
  • Fights free radicals to stimulate a healthy hind gut

With four fold digestive support of prebiotics and probiotics, plus sepiolite clay and nucleotides for improved digestive health. Lami Light is boosted further by additional MSM for supporting hoof health plus vitamin B5 for safe weight loss.

“Our fields are big so the ponies/horses are getting access to a varied and healthy diet.” NOT THE CASE

No matter how well your fields are looked after it will never be diverse enough or large enough to provide the correct vitamin, mineral and nutrient balance.

Tips for good doers

  • Condition score and weigh tape on a regular basis, to make note of gradual changes in weight, also noting where your horse is storing their fat
  • Just 20 minutes exercise a day can have a benefit to your horses’ fitness and general health
  • Exercise doesn’t have to be ridden, it can also be an in-hand walk, but no snacking on the way!


  • Grass and forage is the highest calorie contributor to your horses diet
  • If you are really struggling with your horse being overweight consider the use of a grazing muzzle, stable time off grass, and strip grazing to decrease access to grass, and/or a track system to encourage more movement
  • If your pony/horse has a tendency to gain too much weight in the spring and summer don’t be afraid of letting them lose weight in the winter.  This is a natural process and puts a stop to the gradual weight gain over many years, possibly leading to further health problems. 
We are always here to help, call us, email or chat on social.
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