As autumn begins, grass growth slows, and the nutritional profile becomes deficient in key vitamins and minerals.
Horses tend to spend more time stabled, as a consequence it is an important time to balance their forage ration (grass, hay or haylage) to ensure digestive health is maintained.
As a trickle feeder, additional forage provision allows your horse to maintain a healthy gut. Fermentation of forage in the hind gut serves an important role in keeping your horse warm.
However, hay and autumn/winter grass is typically low in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so ensure the rest of your horse’s diet is balanced to compensate for this.
For those who lose weight more easily in the colder months, calorie content, good quality protein and probiotics are vital.
Look for a balancer with good levels of protein content, such as Blue Chip Pro, coupled with a fibre product such as alfalfa for slow release calorie inclusion.
As Pro balancer contains prebiotics, probiotics, nucleotides and anti-oxidants, this allows your horse to utilise the most of their forage ration, and feed additional calories safely if or when needed.
For horses who are good doers and may feel unsettled by being stabled or changing routine, use the autumn to support digestive health while maintaining a low calorie diet. Feed low calorie forage, supported by a low sugar and starch balancer which offers specific digestive support such as Blue Chip Ulsa-Cool.
Did you know?
Horses need MORE water in colder weather.
Make sure your horse has constant access to fresh water, whether stabled or in the field.
Adding water to feed and/or providing a soaked mash is a great way to help your horse stay hydrated.